Hmm Where to start?..
This was a book that had long been peering at me from bookshelves of
various book stores, for months. Eventually it became a purchase, giving
in to the temptation and my own instincts (I always trust my instincts
for book choosing). I had also seen a friend reading it, via a social
networking site, when I realised it involved my to most favourite
supernatural beings, Witches and Vampires added to the fact that this
book seem steeped with history and alchemy plus the present day, it
swiftly became a purchase.
Now I never read reviews before reading a book, I find it taints the
book before I have even begun because I then focus on previous flaws
that people may have spotted, (some of them, quite often are petty).
This book was subjected to the same treatment, I wasn’t disappointed.
The first instalment of the All Souls Trilogy had be enthralled from
page one. Now okay since finishing I have read some reviews to get other
opinions. Common themes arose in these that I sincerely disagree with,
however it wouldn’t do for us all to be the same right. First complaint I
saw most commonly was ‘its slow’… while it is a slow read, people need
to remember that it is the first book of three, therefore the author can
afford to spend a little more time on the finer details, which will
know crop up in later sequels, and it all helps to build toward the
vivid imagery created by the author as well suspense and anticipation.
Second complaint.. it is similar to the twilight love story: (please
excuse me whilst I let the steam coming out of my ears cease), 1) this
is love story for grown ups. 2) both characters have far more
personality surrounding them. 3) The book itself is a better calibre of
writing by far. Enough said on that subject.
Matthew and Diana, Hopelessly in love… our vampire Dark, Brooding,
Charismatic, Protective & ferocious (no sparkles required).. He is
the Epitome of a ‘proper’ traditional gothic vampire. His carefully
calculated & self controlled personalty just add to his sexy-ness
(yeah I said it, no I am not ashamed of it). Steeped in a rich history
that slowly unfolds as the tale goes on, he know the pain of love and
loss, an aspect that probably makes him even more protective of Diana.
Diana, is a strong (trust me) individual tormented by the loss of her
parents, consequently turned her back on he natural abilities of
witchcraft, until of course they start making themselves known. Diana’s
is stubborn at times but still needs guidance and encouragement when she
discovers more about the mysteries surrounding her parents death. I
like that she is a strong willed female character that, also appreciates
the closeness of a lover. She has her life in oxford, stable her work
in alchemy discovery the secrets behind the pages of ancient manuscripts
to keep her busy.
I absolutely loved the history that surrounding this book, it was
incredibly well researched, Okay so yeah Deborah Harkness is a
historian, we shouldn’t really expect anything less however, I have read
some history based fiction by historians with significantly poorer
research. I love the mix of ancient alchemy, something that isn’t often
found in a modern-set supernatural story. Gothic and modern settings
just added to the story further, especially when we finally get to go to
Diana’s child-hood home, (I really won’t spoil it too much, lets just
say.. erm it is quirky). I would love a house like that.
Can’t really think of much else to say, and I probably shouldn’t ramble to much for fear of giving away the best bits!
Just if you have this book on you TBR list, the read it :) if it
isn’t on your TBR list get it on there fast. A supernaturally
entertaining and sultry romantic grown up read.
BookwormGirl X
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