Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Black Library 2013

Black Library Live 2013 event...
So for christmas 2012, I decided to purchase for my boyfriend the tickets to Black Library Live 2013 event. It was our first christmas as a couple (even though I have known him for 10 years) N’aaaaww lol…. This meant I was determined to get it ‘right’ for his present.  I decided to write a scroll  inviting him to join a quest to find the ‘Black Library’, then hid a series of clues/instructions within many of his favourite Warhammer fantasy books, that would eventually lead to the reveal of his tickets…

 March 2nd finally rolled around and we eagerly started our adventure with a bacon sandwich from the local ‘greasy spoon’ cafe. The arduous journey began, (train first) hoping we didn’t have to defeat any space marines along the way (we didn’t, phew!), then a taxi to Warhammer world itself (eeek!!). Event Passes on, chapbooks collected, we were ready for  the day.  First a quick snoop around the book stands, (Now I admittedly I am new to Warhammer novels/black library publications) however this didn’t stop me from purchasing a book of Warhammer’s finest Vampire Stories in an Omnibus EEEEEKKK :D. Next whilst my boyfriend (Adam) carefully thought over his possible book purchases, (the new Gotrek and Felix book would definitely be a purchase), we began to queue to meet one of his favourite Blacklibrary Authors Dan Abnett :D & also I wanted to meet Nic Vincent :D.
Time in the queue consisted mainly of; people watching, chapbook reading, and ordering the days programme into what we wanted to see the most (seminar-wise), deciding that it was our first event and rather then trying to cram everything in, we would attend a selected few. The New Writers/Writing for Black Library Seminar (mainly for me as I would like to start writing more), & The all important Dan Abnett question and answer session with a planned lunch at the Dwarf bar (bugmans bar) in between.
On to the Seminar & Question and Answer…
The seminar schedule was jam-packed as you can imagine, but it being our first visit we decided to pick two;

The first; ‘New Talent to Black Library’
Speakers; Guy Haley, David Guymer & Peter Fehervari
I wish I had took notes, having recently developed a aspiration to write. It was full of tips about Do’s and Don’ts, if you decide to submit a short piece for the Black Library team to look at. My favourite tip being;
    ‘Don’t threaten the team that you already have publishing rights/commissioning if they don’t accept it’ 
A) If you have the rights/been commissioned to publish it elsewhere it wont be a ‘true’ black library book.
B) If you want to take that attitude, the chances are we probably don’t want you and your book anyways
C) If its been commissioned already why are you threatening us with it.
Black Library’s main ethos to aspiring BL writers is too.. (In no particular order)..
1) Engage in the BL Literature & research to find your writing ‘niche’
2) Read carefully the rules and FOLLOW  them when submitting a piece to the team, this includes formatting text and more importantly the actual chosen story theme/arc, that they are wanting a piece for.
3) Always write any ideas down, not matter what your initial thoughts are and re-visit later.
4) You must want to write, if there is a chance that your piece is accepted there always that possibility you maybe commissioned for a series.. (that is when it get serious) (Peter Fehervari).
5) Take any feedback seriously (but throw your toys out of the pram).. remember these guys have been doing it longer then you & experience (most often) equals knowledge.
6) Attend some of the black library events, there can be seminars/workshops for new writers.

Question and Answer with Dan Abnett:

Okay, so I am afraid this is the bit that gets a bit hazy for me.  Having previously mentioned my inexperience of the Black Library Publications, (and dare I say it, having not read the works of Dan Abnett). I felt a little lost.

*Possible Spoilers from Gaunts Ghost*

It was, however very entertaining despite my poor knowledge:
Lots of angry comments regarding the death of Bragg, with a very exasperated Dan Abnett trying to but his arguments as to why it had to be done…
Many people also requested a possible return of Bragg..

To which Dan Abnett responded;
"There is always a way to bring characters back, doesnt mean I will, it also doesn’t always mean that you will like the resurrected character, need I remind you of Soric?..”

There was some talk of space marines which I didn’t really understand all to well. (Sorry folks)
He met Kevin Bacon (:D) In lift which means the attendees of the Q&A are now in two degrees of Kevin Bacon.. (not sure how it works for you guys reading this?)..
The Q&A wrapped up with my favourite quote for the day;
Dan Abnett, what is your favourite colour?
"Black…. and slightly on fire" :D.
A most enjoyable day concluded in Bugmans Bar with a pint each of hobgoblin and some Belgium Waffles for myself, Yum :D oh and a purchase of The Bugmans Bar Board Game (by my other half).
I would highly recommend this event, and would very much like to attend the black library weekender at some point. More importantly I think my boyfriend had a fab geek filled day also :D.

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